The Department of Paradinee at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences at the University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”, announces a full -time academic staff of the Assistant Lecture category.
The candidate must meet these general and special criteria:
General criteria:
1. Have completed studies in medical sciences . (Diploma issued by foreign higher education institutions and other authorized institutions abroad must be recognized and united by the Ministry responsible for education in Albania).
2. Completed Bachelor and Master of Science studies or equivalent to it, in physiotherapy, with average grade above 8 (Diploma issued by foreign higher education institutions and other authorized institutions abroad must be recognized and unified by the Ministry responsible for education in Albania).
Competition Competition for job position 1 (one) full -time academic staff of the assistant lecturer
Department of Technical Medical Specalities at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences at the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani", announces a full -time, technical specialist.
Technical/Laborant specialist, is an auxiliary unit of the teaching and research process in the department and assists in the scientific and methodical training of students by following the tasks of the Department of Department.
The Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences of the University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani” for its needs to cover the teaching process for the academic year 2022-2023, announces a competition for part-time academic staff.
Department of Medical Specialties at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences at the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani", announces a full -time academic staff of the Professor category.
Competition for job position 1 (one) full -time academic staff of Professor category