Law Directorate, Career Counseling and Alumni
The Law Directorate, Career Counseling and Alumni (DJKKA) exercises these functions and powers:
- praises in advance, in cooperation with other EU units, the initiative to be taken in the field of EU activity, which are presented for opinion;
- verifies before approval the orders and instructions of the Rector and the Administrator of the EU in terms of legal compliance, which they are presented to;
- Drafts, based on the technical proposals of the EU units, the cooperation agreements on the areas of EU activity;
- makes suggestions on administrative acts and other acts presented to them;
- makes EU legal representation in matters where the EU is a party and updates the database of court cases, where the EU is a party;
- makes legal interpretation on complex issues presented by EU units and applies any task assigned to them by applicable legislation.
- Provides assistance for the realization of the search instruments of a workplace (CV preparation, motivation paper, etc.), as well as career counseling through assessment of professional interests, values and skills;
- informs students about the organization of training/workshops for the development of attitudes and skills that can enhance the opportunities of graduate in the labor market;
- provides counseling for EU students who graduate in the first cycle for second cycle studies at EU or other universities abroad;
- informs future students (graduates) about study programs, admission standards, EU policies and maintain contacts and data on employment of
- graduates of EU. participates in the organization of various promotional and informative activities;