Directorate of Curriculum and Internal Quality Security
Directorate of Standards and Curricula (DSK) exercises these functions and competences:
- Follows and monitors (from the beginning to the conclusion), the process of transferring first and second cycle studies to the EU.
- Elaborates projects -quota policies for all three study cycles.
- Follows and monitors admissions to the main units of EU, in accordance with the approved quotas and admission criteria previously approved, for cycle I, II and III of the study.
- Follows the operating activity related to all three study cycles.
- Makes administrative processing of academic title files.
- Participates in the design of the Diploma Draft Diplomament for all three study cycles
- Prepares documentation for meetings of the Academic Senate related to study programs.
- On the order of the Rector, it provides consulting on the problems related to the nature of the Curriculum and Standards Directorate and performs other tasks that are judged to be in accordance with the general mission and functioning of this Directorate
- Implements the current statistics program according to MASR requirements and according to models approved by INSTAT. Extracts programmed statistical data and sends them to certain deadlines in MASR, Institute of Statistics, etc.
- Manages and studies the needs for modification/development of the EMS system of the University of Elbasan pursuant to the Law on Higher Education, the Internal Regulation, as well as oversees the implementation and progress of the information system in each faculty for mutual exchange of information.