Directorate of Procurement and Services
The Directorate of Procurement and Services (GDP) is responsible for the coordination, well -being, prosecution and implementation of public procurement procedures, in accordance with applicable legal and sub -legal acts. And specifically:
- Administration and maintenance of university environments, technical equipment, means of transport and the creation of the most necessary working conditions and materials for all employees.
- Identifies documentation regarding projects of buildings and territories in use of the university and later, owned by it.
- Provides and plans activities in relation to the annual duties set out for the Directorate, in order to perform them in time. Ensures that work is carried out within general norms, in the deadlines set by administrative standards and technical procedures, especially in relation to the needs of improvement of maintenance, building infrastructure, hydraulic, electrical, heating and monitoring of vehicles movement including fuel management
- Provides the necessary data through the economic program approved and the requirements of the relevant structures in the institution and together with other members of the procurement unit, prepares the forecast register and the register of implementation of public procurement procedures.
- Drafts procurement orders, selects the type of procedure, reviews complaints regarding public procurement procedures and sends publication notifications within the time limits of procurement procedures at the Public Procurement Agency, pursuant to Law no. 9643, dated 20.11.2006, as amended, “On Public Procurement”, as amended and DCM no. 914, dated 29.12.2014, “On the approval of public procurement rules”.
- Prepares project projects, calculate the Limit Fund, Technical Documentation (Technical Specifications) and drafting special qualification criteria for the implementation of public procurement procedures.
- Administers all minutes for tender documents and any other documents related to the winner's determination procedures, including the minutes of the meetings.
- Cooperate with the members of the Small Purchase Commission all procedures related to low value purchases for goods, work and services, in order to meet the needs of the institution.
- Follows and bears responsibility for the implementation of the implementation of contracts entered into with third parties (purchases, services, work), in cases where members are employees of the department sector.
- Upon completion of the tender procedures, according to the applicable laws and regulations he submits the file to the University Archive