Activities in the UE

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Activities at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, EU activities, UnielActivities in the UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel Library

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, UnielNotifications

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, UnielEmployment at UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, UnielContacts


The University of Elbasan welcomed the well -known journalist Xenophon Ilia in his premises

During the meeting, students of the Faculty of Humanities were introduced to the term "stenography", the importance, role and usefulness and use of it in various fields.

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The University of Elbasan welcomed the well -known journalist Xenophon Ilia in his premises

Information session on preventing money laundering, in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy and Mediation

The University of Elbasan “Aleksandar Xhuvani” in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, held information session with students of the Law, Economy and Journalism Program on the Prevention of Money Laundering

In her greeting speech the replacement neither. dr. Elvira Fetahu, emphasized the social and institutional efforts needed to make sure that the education offered to girls and women equip them to develop their potential and contribute to the country's progress.

Information session on preventing money laundering, in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy and Mediation

The University of Elbasan is presented at the TV documentary "Media Truths"

As part of the cooperation of the Department of Literature and Journalism with the Albanian Institute of Media, as part of the project "Increasing the level of media literature to students and the general public through interactive video products", the television documentary "Truths E the media ”.

This documentary provides first -hand information from producers and communication experts, on topics directly related to the media and citizen education of young people. The documentary has shed light on the role of the journalist nowadays, responsible journalism, resource and selection of resources, reliability and ethics of news.


Voluntary blood donation session, organized at the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani"

The University of Elbasan in cooperation with the Albanian Red Cross Branch Elbasan and the National Bank of Blood Transfusion, organized a voluntary blood donation session at the university premises.

This humanitarian initiative was joined by numerous students, whose contribution will help the thalassemia children.

Voluntary blood donation session, organized at the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani"

Workshop on the topic "Comprehensive Sport", organized at the University of Elbasan

In the framework of the project "We are Champions", the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences in cooperation with the Career and Alumni Counseling Office, as well as the Special Organization Olympics Albania, developed the workshop "Comprehensive Sport".

The purpose of this workshop was to increase the participation of volunteer youth in this project, whose commitment would be worth the students as a UST work practice, but also as an experience on unified sport.

At the end of the training, this experience was finalized with the giving of an internationally recognized certificate.

Workshop on the topic "Comprehensive Sport", organized at the University of Elbasan