You are a student at University of Elbasan and want to attend?
- Students should be available until Summer Semester 2022
- Students should be in (very) late Bachelor or early Master Studies
- Students (who will be E-Tutors) cannot simultaneously attend the VCL module as students
- Computer /Tablet access with the internet; Mic(e.g. laptop internal) and the camera is needed to attend qualification courses and
- Highly committed to virtual learning, Virtual Mobility, and Internationalization@home activities
- English language at a very good level (you will support international events in the English language)
Rewards for (best committed) 3-4 Students per Institution may (if possible attend to Winterschool in Germany 2021 (intercultural training for VCL application in Dresden for 5 days as prep. for international VCL course support).
Please send a motivation letter in English, to participate in the project at: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
The applications will be accepted till: 14.04.2021