Scientific activities organized by the FSHA and the Department of Social Sciences
The Department of Teaching Methodologies organized in November 2012 an international conference on "Development of Education and Education in the XI century". Lecturers of the Faculty of Education Sciences (also the Department of Social Sciences) and many external associates participated in this conference by presenting their scientific articles.
On December 23, 2013, it was organized by the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Psychology International Conference on "Current Challenges and Future for Social Work and Psychological Service as Professor in the Labor Market in Albania". Where professionals, scholars, policymakers exchange results of their experience in efforts to develop social work and psychologist in terms of profession and areas of employment, education and professional challenges of psychologists and social employees, regulatory norms and specific situations in Albania. Lecturers of the Social Sciences and Psychology became part of this conference both in organization and themes dealt with by them.
In the context of the annual activities "Academic Days", the Department of Social Sciences organized on April 24, 2014 with Prof. Dr. Edmond Dragotin, open lecture on the topic: “Law on Social Employee Status. General Provisions, Objectives and Purpose of the Law, Area of Professional Exercise ”with Branch Branch Branch Bachelor System and Master. Their interest was quite great because it was about a new law that was directly related to the future of their profession. This was also observed by the various questions asked by them in this regard.