Open lecture on "I'm like you"
On 07.12.2017 in the premises of the Faculty of Education Sciences was held open lecture on "I am like you", implemented by first -year students, Professional Master Branch "Social Work with Children and Family", under coordination of Lecturer Denisa Ballhysa.
Attending this activity were the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Dr. Ardian Tana, responsible for the MSC, Prof.As. Dr. Ardian Turku, Head of the Department of Social Sciences Neither. Dr. Elisabeta Osmanaj, representatives of public and private social institutions, lecturers and students of the Social Sciences and Psychology Departments, as well as local media.
The activity was opened with the greeting word of Deputy Dean Dr. Ardian Tana who emphasized the importance of programs that help people with disabilities and expressed the responsibility of the institution they should have for these persons. Mr. Shefki Lika, a representative of social services, unveiled the programs that the municipality plans and activities that have been developed in the framework of community awareness for people with different skills. He also emphasized the support that the municipality has for the target group "Persons with Different Ability" and congratulated the coordinator for the interesting idea of this activity. Prof. As.dr. Ardian Turku, director of the NCC, stressed that we should all support people with disabilities, as it is a problem for the whole society.
Reference by student Adivije Hasa, with different ability (attributes), began with an "experiment", and then describes the terms "different ability" and "inclusion", the influence of the family on the performance of people with different skills, special education and comprehensive, employment of people with disabilities as well as her personal experience. This activity was closed with free questions and discussions with the reference student.