
University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty History, Uniel

Faculty History

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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Components, Uniel


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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Study Programs, Uniel

Study programs

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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Announcements, Uniel


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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Activities, Uniel


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The University of Elbasan welcomed the well -known journalist Xenophon Ilia in his premises

During the meeting, students of the Faculty of Humanities were introduced to the term "stenography", the importance, role and usefulness and use of it in various fields.

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The University of Elbasan welcomed the well -known journalist Xenophon Ilia in his premises

The University of Elbasan is presented at the TV documentary "Media Truths"

As part of the cooperation of the Department of Literature and Journalism with the Albanian Institute of Media, as part of the project "Increasing the level of media literature to students and the general public through interactive video products", the television documentary "Truths E the media ”.

This documentary provides first -hand information from producers and communication experts, on topics directly related to the media and citizen education of young people. The documentary has shed light on the role of the journalist nowadays, responsible journalism, resource and selection of resources, reliability and ethics of news.
