World University Service offers scholarships for students in Albania
University World Service (WUS) promotes 50 scholarships Albanian students of Albanian state universities to study in Albania.
The purpose of this program is to facilitate the Albanian educated elite and new qualified workers in Albania for the development of future professional perspectives. These scholarships are addressed to students in the final stage of their studies, newly graduates (already completed their studies) and students who will complete their studies in 2018. Low -income applicants and good academic results are preferred.
In addition to a monthly scholarship of € 250.00, students or those who are in the beginning of their careers will benefit from counseling and training for application techniques, entrepreneurship, careers and job offers. During the maximum 6-month scholarship period, students, depending on the type of scholarship, will participate in job application training as well as start a new business (individual and group training).
This project will be implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Regional Development in Hessen.
World University Service is an international organization of students and teachers in the education sector and is committed to human rights in education and the creation of equal social and political structures. Wus is active in more than 50 countries around the world.
Application deadline is October 15, 2016
Further information as well as the application forms, find them at www.surplace-A or directly through Ms. Eda Terezi, Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo. - Project Coordinator for Albania. Below you will find the application procedures and application forms.