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FSHN/ Notice for Competition for Assistant Assistant Assistant with full -time teaching character

Department of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani” for its needs, announces a competition for Academic Assistant Personnel of full -time teaching character.

The Laboratory of the Department of Physics is a teaching academic staff and assists in the realization and support of teaching activity; maintains close communication with the head of the department and other members of the base unit assembly and responds to the well -being of the material base; helps prepare the material basis for the more normal development of the teaching process; maintains and repairs equipment in the event of defects; cooperates with students on the implementation of the rules of operation of the laboratory.

Candidate's response criteria are:

  • Have completed undergraduate studies at home or abroad in the second cycle of studies in the field of natural sciences, physical/or similar physical mathematics/physique profiles. Diplomas obtained abroad must be known by MASR;
  • To have work experience
  • Not be convicted by final decision
  • To him not have the disciplinary measures in force
  • Be capable of work

Candidate to own these special criteria:

  • Have no less than 2 (two) years of work experience in the required field
  • Have internationally recognized foreign language knowledge (preferably English)
  • Have good communication and teamwork skills.
  • Knowledge and ability to use the computer.
  • Work reference from previous employers.

Candidates must submit to the Human Resources Directorate Archive Protocol of the University of Elbasan "Aleksandar Xhuvani" Required documentation or envelopes closed within 10 (ten) days from 25.11.2019 - 04.12.2019 these documents :

  • Photocopy of diploma is calculated with the original. If the applicant has a degree in a foreign university, then he must have it calculated to the ministry responsible for education;
  • His/her biography
  • Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
  • Photocopy of the list of grades calculated with the original. If there is a diploma and a list of different grades with the recognized assessment in the Albanian state, then the applicant must have converted it according to the Albanian system;
  • The unified photocopy of the workbook
  • Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
  • Referenca pune nga punëdhënës apo bashkëpunëtorë;
  • Certificate of judicial status;
  • Job ability report;
  • Certificate of judicial status/self -declaration;
  • Photocopy of ID card.

In addition to competition with folders, applicants will undergo oral interview.

The requested documentation may be submitted on a postal route or in a closed envelope in the period of 10 (ten) days from 25.11.2019 - 04.12.2019 these documents at:

University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”,

Ismail Zyma Street,

Application for job position: Laborant in the Department of Physics


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