Rectorate of the University of Elbasan, "Alexander Xhuvani"/ Competition Development Notifications
The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan announces a competition for Academic Assistant Personnel of ADMINISTRATIVE CURRENCY 1 (one) curriculum specialist in the Directorate of Standards and Curriculum.
Curriculum Specialist: Cooperates with the basic and key units for the technical review and evaluation of the lesson plans according to the applicable standards and acts; Follows the progress of the student registration process in all study cycles; controls the evidence of the teaching load of academic staff in accordance with the syllabus; Reports periodically on work activity.
Candidates must meet these general and special criteria as follows:
Kritere të përgjithshme:
- Have completed his second cycle (master) undergraduate studies in the field of natural sciences.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Special criteria:
Kritere të veçanta:
- Have no less than one year of previous work experience.
- Good connoisseur of using software.
- Have good communication and teamwork skills.
- Have knowledge of one or more foreign languages verified with documentation.
Candidates must submit a post from 01.07.2019 - 10.07.2019 the following documentation:
- Motivation letter for the position: Curriculum Specialist
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
- Fotokopje e listës së notave e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse ka një diplomë dhe listë notash të ndryshme me vlerësimin e njohur në Shtetin Shqiptar, aplikanti duhet ta ketë të konvertuar atë sipas sistemit shqiptar;
- The same photocopy of the workbook;
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Work references from previous employers.
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Photocopy of ID card.
Interested parties must submit on the postal road within the deadline, their documentation at the address:
University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani",
"Ismail Zyma" Street,
Application for Work position: Curriculum Specialist
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then they will submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the EU Rectorate within the deadlines. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary competition results and then the winner will be announced/notified.
The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan announces a competition for Academic Assistant Personnel of ADMINISTRATIVE CHARACTER IN HUMAN RESOURCES SEE SECTOR ARRESTION DIRECTOR.
Human Resources Sector Specialist: Prepares, Follows managing documentation and employment of staff according to applicable laws and bylaws; information processing according to the indicators of approved human resources management; cooperates with other members of the Directorate in the performance of certain tasks; reports periodically on the work done.
Candidates must meet these general and special criteria as follows:
Kritere të përgjithshme:
- To have completed second cycle university studies (Master). Diplomas that have been obtained abroad must be known and united by the ministry responsible for education.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Special criteria:
Kritere të veçanta:
- Have over a year of previous work experience in this position.
- Good connoisseur of using software.
- Have good communication and group work skills
- Have knowledge of one or more foreign languages verified with documentation.
Candidates must submit a post from 01.07.2019 - 10.07.2019 the following documentation:
- Motivation letter for position: Human Resource Specialist
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
- Fotokopje e listës së notave e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse ka një diplomë dhe listë notash të ndryshme me vlerësimin e njohur në Shtetin Shqiptar, aplikanti duhet ta ketë të konvertuar atë sipas sistemit shqiptar;
- The same photocopy of the workbook;
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Work references from previous employers.
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Photocopy of ID card.
Interested parties must submit on the postal road within the deadline, their documentation at the address:
University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”,
“Ismail Zyma” Street,
Application for Work position: Human Resources Sector Specialist
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then they will submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the EU Rectorate within the deadlines. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary competition results and then the winner will be announced/notified.
The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan announces a competition for Assistant Assistant Staff with an administrative character in the position of work 1 (one) responsible for the Alumni Career Counseling Sector, in the Law Directorate of Alumni Career Counseling.
Alumni career counseling sector responsible: bears responsibility for the smooth running of the relevant sector; coordinates the work within the sector with specialists depending on it; cooperates with all structures inside and outside the Directorate for resolving disputes over the competences of problem -pursuit, to which he immediately notifies the Director of the Directorate in the capacity of a direct superior, who then follows the resolution of the conflict; Responsible in drafting analyzes about students' databases who have completed EU studies and help open new study programs; Performs all the tasks that are charged with a high professional level.
Candidates must meet these general and special criteria as follows:
Kritere të përgjithshme:
- To have completed the second cycle university studies (Master of Science). Diplomas that have been taken abroad must be known and united by the ministry responsible for education.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Be able to work.
Kritere të veçanta:
- Have over one year of previous work experience.
- Experience in drafting reports and writing official documentation.
- Good connoisseur of using software.
- Knowledge of one or more foreign languages certified with documentation.
- Have good management, communication and teamwork skills.
Candidates must submit a post from 01.07.2019 - 10.07.2019 the following documentation:
- Motivation letter for position: Alumni Career Counseling Sector
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
- Fotokopje e listës së notave e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse ka një diplomë dhe listë notash të ndryshme me vlerësimin e njohur në Shtetin Shqiptar, aplikanti duhet ta ketë të konvertuar atë sipas sistemit shqiptar;
- The same photocopy of the workbook;
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Work references from previous employers.
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Photocopy of ID card.
Interested parties must submit on the postal road within the deadline, their documentation at the address:
University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”,
“Ismail Zyma” Street,
Application for the position: Head of Career Counseling Sector Alumni
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then they will submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the EU Rectorate within the deadlines. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary competition results and then the winner will be announced/notified.
The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan announces a competition for Academic Assistant Assistant Personnel in the position of 2 (two) Alumni Career Counseling Sector in the Alumni Career Legal Directorate.
Alumni Career Counseling Specialist: Identifies and informs about educational opportunities (internships, scholarships, training, etc.), provides assistance in realizing a job search instruments (preparation of CV), provides career counseling through interest assessment, Professional values and skills, informs students about the organization of training/workshops on the development of attitudes and skills that can enhance the opportunities of introducing graduates in the labor market, informs and promotes internship offers, jobs, provides counseling for students of the EU who graduate in the first cycle for the opportunities for the second cycle of EU or other universities abroad. It also works on the creation of a database for collecting student data graduated from various EU faculties as well as employees from this institution; Prepares statistical data on these processes to better orient market trends and inform curriculum development/programs. Reports periodically to the Director of the Directorate.
Candidates must meet these general and special criteria,
Kritere të përgjithshme:
- To have completed the second cycle (master) university studies.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Be able to work.
Kritere të veçanta:
- Have over one year of previous work experience.
- Experience in drafting reports and writing official documentation.
- Good connoisseur of using software.
- Have knowledge of one or more foreign languages verified with documentation.
- Have good communication and teamwork skills.
Candidates must submit a post from 01.07.2019 - 10.07.2019 the following documentation:
- Position Motivation Letter: Alumni Career Counseling Specialist
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
- Fotokopje e listës së notave e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse ka një diplomë dhe listë notash të ndryshme me vlerësimin e njohur në Shtetin Shqiptar, aplikanti duhet ta ketë të konvertuar atë sipas sistemit shqiptar;
- The same photocopy of the workbook;
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Work references from previous employers.
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Photocopy of ID card.
Interested parties must submit on the postal road within the deadline, their documentation at the address:
University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”,
“Ismail Zyma” Street,
Application for the position: Head of Career Counseling Sector Alumni
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then they will submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the EU Rectorate within the deadlines. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary competition results and then the winner will be announced/notified.
The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan announces a competition for Academic Assistant Staff with an administrative character in the position of work 1 (one) project specialist in the External Relations Sector, in the Directorate of Coordination and Foreign Relations.
Project Specialist: is responsible for collecting and systemizing the necessary documentation of applicants at the institutional and inter -institutional level at home and abroad. Assists in collecting and preparing data regarding the projects developed and those proposed by the basic units and the main units, harmonizing the details of the organization of each project; collects information about calls for participation in various projects at home and abroad. Reports periodically on his activity.
Candidates must meet these general and special criteria as follows:
Kritere të përgjithshme:
- To have completed second -level university studies in the field of human sciences.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Special criteria:
Kritere të veçanta:
- Have training in drafting project proposals.
- Have good communication and group work skills
- Good connoisseur of using software.
- Have very good knowledge of one or more foreign languages verified with documentation.
Candidates must submit a post from 01.07.2019 - 10.07.2019 the following documentation:
- Position Motivation Letter: Alumni Career Counseling Specialist
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Fotokopje e diplomës e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse aplikanti disponon një diplomë të një universiteti të huaj, atëherë ai duhet ta ketë të njehsuar atë pranë ministrisë përgjegjëse për arsimin;
- Fotokopje e listës së notave e njehsuar me origjinalin. Nëse ka një diplomë dhe listë notash të ndryshme me vlerësimin e njohur në Shtetin Shqiptar, aplikanti duhet ta ketë të konvertuar atë sipas sistemit shqiptar;
- The same photocopy of the workbook;
- Proof of the knowledge of the foreign language is similar to the original;
- Work references from previous employers.
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status;
- Photocopy of ID card.
Interested parties must submit on the postal road within the deadline, their documentation at the address:
University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”,
“Ismail Zyma” Street,
Application for Work position: Project Specialist
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then they will submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the EU Rectorate within the deadlines. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary competition results and then the winner will be announced/notified.