Elbasan University/ Competition Notice for Specialist of External Relations
The University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" for its needs announces a competition for one (one) job position, the Foreign Relations Specialist in the Directorate of Coordination and External Relations in the Rectorate.
Foreign Relations Specialist: is responsible for the smooth running of communication with structures inside and outside the EU regarding the implementation of the projects where the EU is part. Contributes to the translation of materials and other documents according to institutional needs. It takes care of the maximum concern to take the appropriate measures for the reception, systematization and tracking of delegations, or foreign experts, coming to our country with invitation or in the context of institutional cooperation. Reports periodically on his activity.
Candidates must meet these special criteria, alongside general ones:
Special Criteria:
- Have previous experience in international projects.
- Working references from employer.
- Good connoisseur of using computer programs.
- Have very good knowledge of one or more foreign languages verified with documentation.
General Criteria:
- Have completed his undergraduate studies (Master of Science) in the field of human sciences.
- Not have been convicted by a final court decision.
- There is no disciplinary measure in force.
- Have work experience.
- Be able to work.
Candidates must submit the following documentation within 10 (ten) days of the announcement of the PPA, ie from 15.10.2018 to 26.10.2018 this documentation:
- Photocopy of diploma is calculated with the original. If the applicant has a degree in a foreign university, then he must have it calculated to the ministry responsible for education;
- Photocopy of the list of grades calculated with the original. If there is a diploma and a list of different grades with the recognized assessment in the Albanian state, then the applicant must have converted it according to the Albanian system;
- The same photocopy of the workbook.
- Certificates, qualifications, various recommendations, united with the original.
- Employers' work references;
- Proof of foreign language recognition associated with the original.
- Forensic -legal report certifying the ability to work;
- Certificate of judicial status/self -declaration;
- Photocopy of ID card.
- Motivation Letter for the position of Work
Those interested should send the relevant documentation by mail, from 15.10.20181 to 26.10.2018 at the address:
University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani",
"Ismail Zyma" Street,
Application for _____________________
The ad-hoc commission will evaluate the candidate files in advance and then submit to the oral interview. The competition will take place in the Rectorate. Competitive candidates will be notified electronically of the preliminary results of the competition on 31.10.2018 and on 09.11.2018 will be the announcement/notification of the winners.
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