University “A. Xhuvani ”, in cooperation with the Center for Albanological Studies in Tirana and with the participation of researchers from universities and research institutes of the entire Albanian world as well as foreign albanologists in Europe and beyond, on the 105th anniversary of the birth of Academician Alex Buddha
the International Scientific Conference
"Alex Buda and Albanological Studies"
The conference will be held on May 20, 2016 at the premises of "A. Xhuvani" Elbasan. The conference will have a plenary session and two panels.
- Antiquity of Albanians and the genetic source of the Albanian people. Who are the Albanians? Ethnogenesis of Albanians according to some schools of albanology and according to Alex Buddha's opinion.
- Arberia in the centuries of European humanism. Thesis and opposition regarding the Middle Ages. Statutes of Albanian cities, large families, predictive formations.
- The great monuments of the spiritual heritage of the Albanian people and the opinion of Alex Buddha: Epos and the Kanunes.
- Characterization of the Skanderbeg era and its protagonist George Kastriot in the opinion of Alex Buddha. Views and counter -views on anti -Ottoman Arbitrary resistance. George Kastriot's alliances and strategies.
- European historiography in the first half of the century. XX (school, directions and views) and the formation of Alex Buddha in this time context as a historian.
- European historiography of the first half of the century. XX and study of issues related to Albanian ethnogenesis.
- The paradigm of albanology in the second half of the century. XX and Alex Buddha's role.
- Aleks Buddha as a connoisseur of minority problems in the Balkan space.
- Aleks Buddha and Albanian Culture.
- Unknown non -conformist life and ideas of Alex Buddha according to notes published after death.
- Alex Buddha and the Academy of Sciences of Albania.
- Aleks Buddha and the Institute of History.
- Alex Buddha Intellectual, controversial, colleague, research leader, friend and man.
All researchers who know in its entirety are invited Aleks Buddha's many biased activity and who have an interest in participating to propose the title of a papers and a short of 250 words by March 10, 2016 to Silva Belegut Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo. or of Hysen Shabanaj Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.
A scientific board, composed of well -known Buddha's, internal and external activities, will account for all your proposals and, after being informed of participation, will draft the final program of activities.
The expenses for accommodation of references from the north and south of Albania as well as from the diaspora (food and sleep) are the organizer for two nights.
For scholars coming from Europe will also be cope with travel expenses and accommodation extends to three nights.
The call for participation will also be published on the website of "Alexander Xhuvani" University
"Alexander Xhuvani" University, in Cooperation with Albanian Studies Center in Tirana and with the participation of scholars from the universities and research centers of the Albanian influence and as well of foreign scholars in Europe on the 105th Anniversary of the Academic Alex Buda
The International Scientific Conference
“Alex Buda and The Albanian Studies”
The Conference Will Be Held on May 20, 2016 at "Alexander Xhuvani" University. The conference will be composed of a plenary and two panels.
- Antiquity of Albanian and Genetic Source of the Albanians. Who are the Albanians? Ethno Genesis of Albanian According Some Schools of Albanology and Acciting to the THOUGHT of Alex Buddha.
- Arberia in the Centuries of European Humanism. Statements and Anti Statements Related to Medieval Period. Statutes of Albanian Families, Big Families, Pre-State Formations.
- Big Monuments of the Spiritual Heritage of the Albanian and the Thought of Alex Buda: Epos and Kanun.
- The Characterization of the Skanderbeg Period and Its Protagonist George Kastrioti in the Thought of Alex Buda. Pros and against viewpoint on the Arberor Antttoman Fight. Alliances and strategies of Gjergj Kastrioti.
- European historiography in the first half of the XX Century (Schools, Streams, Viewpoints) and the Education of Alex Buda in this Context As a historian.
- European Historiography in the first half of the XX Century and the Study of the Problems Related to Albanian Ethno Genesis.
- Paradigm of albanology in the Second Half of the XX Century and the Role of Alex Buda.
- Aleks Buda as an Expert of the minority will in the Balkans area.
- Alex Buddha and Albanian Culturology.
- Unknown and non conformist life and ideas of alex Buda accorting to the notes published after his death.
- Aleks Buddha and the Science Academy of Albania.
- Alex Buddha and the Institute of History.
- Alex Buda as an intellectual, polemist, Colleague, Research Leader Friend and Human.
All the researchers who are acquainted with the activity of Aleks Buddha and Interesting Are Invited to Send A Proposal Topic With An Abstract of 250 Words UNIL MARCH, 2016 on the Address of Silva Belegu: Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo. or of Hysen Shabanaj Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.
A Scientific Board Composed of Specialists on the Well Known Field of Activity of Alex Buddha, National and International Will Review All Your Proposals and AFTER INFORAGE YOU ON THE PARTICIPATION WILL COMPILE THE FINAL PROGRAM OF THE ACTIVITIES.
Accommodation Expensses (Food and Hotel) for Two Nights of the Speakers from North or South of Albania As Well from the Diaspora Will Be Covered by the Organizers.
For the researchers Coming from Europe Travel Experts and Accommodation for Three Nights Will Be Covered. The call will be published as well on the website of the University "Alexander Xhuvani".