On the procedure for excluding and reducing the tuition fee for students attending Cycle I and II, full-time, for the academic year 2015-2016
In support of law no. 80/2015, dated 22.07.2015 “On Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania”, DCM no. 638, dated 22.7.2015 changed by DCM - to no. 866 dated 23.10.2015 “On admission quotas and study fees in the first and second cycle of studies, in public higher education institutions, in full -time study programs, for the academic year 2015-2016”
We announce:
Students studying at Alexander Xhuvani University in Cycle I and II full time and come from the following social strata:
- Persons who do not look / listen;
- Work invalids and their children;
- Invalids;
- Paraplegic and tetraplegic invalids and their children;
- Orphans;
- The student, to whom one of his parents is separated from his life and his family receives economic assistance from local government units;
- Roma;
- Balkano - Egyptians;
- Ex-convicts and political persecuted by the communist system or children with political-related parents with deprivation of liberty;
- Children of police officers and military men of the Armed Forces, as well as the children of the Republican Guard employees, the employees of the Internal Affairs Service and
- Complaints, of fire protection and rescue police officers when employees lost their lives at the top or because of their duty;
- Affected by HIV-AIDS;
Application Form "Practice for complete exception or reduction from tuition fee" is found on the web - site: www.uniel.edu.al Information / notifications and download from this address.
The documentation prepared according to the relevant form shall be submitted by the student himself to the Rectorate starting from 02.11.2015