
University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Activities at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, EU activities, UnielActivities in the UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel Library

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, UnielNotifications

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, UnielEmployment at UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, UnielContacts


Notice on the admission criteria of new candidates in the second cycle of studies

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, based on Law No. 9741, dated 21.5.2007, “On Higher Education in the Republic of Albania”, as amended by Laws no. 9832, dated 12.11.2007, no. 10307, ​​dated 22.7.2010, no. 10493, dated 15.12.2011; DCM no. 688, dated 15.10.2014 on “Admission quotas and tuition fees in public higher education institutions for second -time study programs“ Professional Master ”and“ Master of Science ”/Master I Fine Arts ”for the academic year 2014-2015, point 16; Instruction No. 46, dated 20.10.2014 of the MAS on “Admission and Registration Procedures in the Second Cycle of full-time studies“ Professional Master ”and“ Master of Science ”/Master of Fine Arts" in public higher education institutions for the academic year 2014-2015; Based on “Regulation on Administrative and Academic Organization and Functioning of“ A. Xuvani ”University, adopted in May 2012; Based on the modalities of the study programs provided by the HFA and approved by the EU Senate, we suggest that:

1. In "Master of Science in Linguistics" students can be enrolled with first cycle (Bachelor) or Dind degree:

  • in language-literature,
  • linguistics,
  • Albanian and French language,
  • foreign language (English, French etc.)

2. In "Master of Science in Historical Studies" can be enrolled students with first cycle diploma or Dind

  • in history,
  • history-geography,
  • civic education,
  • German history and language,
  • international relations,
  • Italian geography and language.

3. In "Master of Science in Geographical Studies" students can be enrolled with first -cycle or Dind diploma in:

  • geography,
  • history-geography,
  • civic education,
  • Italian geography and language

4. In "Master of Science in Literary Studies" students can be enrolled with first cycle or DIND diploma

  • in language-literature,
  • foreign language (English, French, etc.),
  • Albanian and French language,
  • in communication,
  • the journalist,
  • journalist-English

5. In "Master of Science in Cultural Heritage" students can be enrolled with first cycle or Dind degree

  • In history-geography,
  • Italian geography and language,
  • German history and language,
  • civic education,
  • language-literature,
  • Academy of Arts,
  • Italian geography and language,
  • German history and language.