
University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Activities at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, EU activities, UnielActivities in the UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel Library

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, UnielNotifications

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, UnielEmployment at UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, UnielContacts


Apply for scholarships and exchanges in Erasmus Mundus

Are you a student?

Want to apply for a scholarship for a full cycle of study master or doctorate Erasmus Mundus for the 2014-2015 academic year? There are 42 Joint PhD and 138 Joint Master Erasmus Mundus and a good portion of them have reopened applications that are closed in October-November 2013. Erasmus Mundus programs include periods of study in at least two European universities and issue joint degrees.

Who can apply?

Students and lecturers who want to make full master or PhD.

How is it applied?

Visit the Erasmus website beat the list of Masters and PhDs.

Choose the master or PhD that you care about and access the respective website. There you will find the application deadlines and the criteria. Warning: Deadlines vary from one program to another and for some of them close in October - November 2013. Since this is the last year of Erasmus Mundus, the rest of these programs have closed applications since early 2013.

Post the maximum priority: 1. Application 2. English Language Protection with TOEFL or IELTS. Some masters may require mastering another language. Then start work on preparing the motivation letter, finding two recommendations from your former lecturers, completing the form and completing the other documents required.

2. If you want to apply for an exchange for a short study period (one semester or an academic year), see Action 2 Partnerships with IAL's non-member EU countries, including scholarship applications .

Who can apply? A. In this activity, students, academic and administrative staff can apply

A. In this activity, students, academic and administrative staff can apply

Students of partner universities (University of Tirana and University of Medicine) can apply for Exchange from Bachelor to Postdoc (lecturers). Students of other Albanian universities, not partners, can apply starting at the master's level.

How is it applied?

Student enters the Erasmus Mundus page, finds Action 2

-Seks "partnerships" where Albanian universities are partners:

  • Basileus V -University of Ghent -u. of Tirana is a partner
  • Joinu -See V - University of Graz - U. of Tirana is a partner
  • Eraweb- University Medical Center of Rotterdam)- U Medical is partner

- Enter the website and requires which universities offer studies in the field where it is interested and familiar with the application criteria. Then he starts preparing the application file. If he is a student in one of two partner universities (UT or medicine), he belongs to Target Group 1 (TG1) and can make mobility at the bachelor level; If his university is not a partner, the student belongs to Target Group 2 (TG2) and may apply for Mobility at Master and Doctorate. There is also a target Group 3 (TG3) for marginalized groups or with specific needs. Mobilites start from 6 months to 3 years. The file documents are the letter of motivation, the list of grades until the year he is registered, one or two recommendations, evidence of language recognition, etc.

Even the administrative staff of the universities can apply for 1 month short -term exchange.