
University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Activities at EU, Uniel

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University “A. Xhuvani ”of Elbasan
Center for Albanological Studies
Call for Conference
Call for Paper

As part of the scientific and jubilee activities dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Albania's Independence, the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" and the Center for Albanological Studies will organize an international scientific conference dedicated to one of the most important protagonists of the three contemporary history of the state Albanian: Renaissance, Independence and World War II, Lef Nosis. The conference will take place under the general title "Lef Nosi - Central figure of Albanian History and Culture" and will be held in Elbasan on November 24-25, 2012. At this conference it is intended that, making known and relying on New archivistic sources: Albanian, Ottoman, British, American, Italian, German, to scientifically redefine the role and contributions of Lef Nos as a patriot; as an activist of the preparation of independence; As one of the citizens who took responsibility in the difficult decades when the new Albanian state was taking the first steps and at other times the most difficult in history; as a publicist, creator and editor; as a collector and publisher of Albanian oral tradition; as a collector of the important manuscript heritage sources of the country; as philatelist, numism, source, translator; and in other areas. Work languages ​​will be Albanian and English. For discussions the organizers will provide simultaneous translation. The primary purpose of this activity is to make the multifaceted legacy of Lef Nosis known in all areas of national eculture, as a collector of documentary funds and resources, as a fundraising of an Albanian archives the themes; as a personality with assistance identified in ethnology, folklore, history, archeology, orientalistic, faith, visual arts, literature, numismatic, philatelic; to present the state of recognition of all this heritage so far and to form a wide paradigm for university and postgraduate studies (diplomas, master, doctorate) in all fields of albanology where Lef Nos's contributions are of primary importance. The object of researching this project will be the personal fund of Lef Nos stored in the ACA, Fund no. 32, with about 13,000 numbered sheets, as well as many other sources collected by him and distributed in other funds during the period until 1990; as well as the archives of creativity stored in the subordinate institutions of the Center for Albanological Studies, where they have codified indices. The preparations of the conference have been charged with a working board with representatives from both institutions. Translations from the participants themselves are welcome. The organizers undertake their multiplication, whether in the form of a summary or in the analytical-integral form. We welcome your participation in this conference, proposing, until June 15, through a work title and a Summary (Summary) Albanian and/or English of no more than 250 words. New researchers will be encouraged by posters and the organizers will provide a correct discussion within the estimated working time. The Labor Board will review the proposals and by the end of June 2012 will make the necessary suggestions and confirm the conference participation. Because the calendar of this activity, including the publication of the Conference acts, must be closed within this year, the participants to be confirmed are prayed to submit to the final variant for their contributions no later than October 15 2012.m

For the work board

Prof. Dr. Liman Varoshi, Academic Beqir Meta, Prof. Dr. Shaban Sinani, Prof. Dr. Roland Gjini, Dr. Luciano Boçi, Prof. Dr. Ardjan Marashi


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