UE offers choice in Master's study programs
1. Study programs for "Master of Science" are:
a) at the Faculty of Humanities (located in the EU's main corpus ”programs:
- Environmental protection
- Applied
c) at the Faculty of Education Sciences (located in the village building in front of the Pedagogical School ”Programs:
- Education psychology
d) at the Faculty of Economics (located in the RE FEI at the Park "Rinia"
- Banking
- Economics and rights in international markets
- Marketing
- management
2. The study programs for "Professional Master" are:
a) at the Faculty of Humanities (located in the main Corps of the EU ”) Programs:
- editorship
- Reporter
- Sportsman
b) At the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Department of Nursing located at the Elbasan Hospital Center ”Programs:
- Nursing management
- Math
c) at the Faculty of Education Sciences (located in the village building in front of the Pedagogical School ”Programs:
- Direction and administration in education
- Psychology in institutions
- Social work with children and family
- Biology-Teacher with a minor profile “Health and Environmental Education”
- Teacher in civic education with minor geography profile
- Teacher in civic education with minor history profile
- Teacher English with a minor profile "Albanian Language"
- Teacher French with a minor profile "Albanian Language"
- Teacher Italian language with a minor profile “Albanian Language”
- Teacher German with a minor profile "Albanian Language"
- Teacher Albanian Language and Literature
- Teacher History - Geography with minor civic education profile
- Teacher Mathematics - Physics with Minor Informatics Profile
- Teacher Mathematics - Physics with Minor Physics Profile
d) At the Faculty of Economics (located in the Feat Park "Youth" Programs:
- Administration - business
- Economy and rights in the public sector
- Finance
- Accounting
- Marketing