Scientific bulletin

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Scientific Bulletin, History, Uniel


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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Scientific Bulletin, Editorial Board, Uniel

Open Access Journal

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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Scientific Bulletin, Publications In the Years, Uniel


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Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Scientific Bulletin, Standard, Uniel


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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Scientific Bulletin, Announcements, Uniel


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Scientific Bulletin of the University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”

Scientific Bulletin of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", publishes original papers that bring new and important knowledge of the advancement of science. This publishing body is created with the initial idea of ​​promoting the scientific findings of Albanian academics inside and outside the Albanian university environment. The importance of publishing the newsletter lies in giving the opportunity for all academic researchers, who bring the latest findings to their respective fields and update in time in time.

The scientific bulletin aims to travel to the premises of national and international universities to promote the results of scientific research undertaken by the Professor of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", but not only.

Scientific Bulletin of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" is led by an editorial board and the relevant newsrooms for each series. Part of the editorial board are well -known academics in various fields at home and abroad.

Most of the materials published in the Scientific Bulletin of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" are the fruit of research work performed by the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", but have long been approached by other universities. country, such as the University of Tirana, the University of Korça, the University of Vlora etc. Also presented with their materials are scholars and researchers of other research institutions. With the publications of foreign authors from France and Germany, the Scientific Bulletin of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" has transcended national borders.

The UNIEL publisher invites original collaborations, which should include previously unpublished results, data and interpretations.