Visit of the cultural attaché of the German embassy Ms. Christiane Wolters and the head of the German center in Tirana, Ms. Petra Behlke-Campos, at "Alexander Xhuvani" University, Elbasan
On March 24, 2014, the Cultural Attaché of the German Embassy in Tirana, Ms. Christiane Wolters and the Head of the German Center in Tirana, Ms. Petra Behlke-Campos, visited the University of Elbasan. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the German language branch, the situation and prospects of this branch at the University of Elbasan. The visit was accompanied by important meetings with representatives of the University of Elbasan.
After a university presentation by the Rector Prof. Dr. Liman Varoshi discussed the possibilities of cooperation with the German Embassy and the German Language Center in Tirana, as well as with counterpart institutions in Germany.
Regarding the perspective of foreign languages in Albania, along with other issues, was discussed with the Head of the Department of English and German, Dr. Laureta Vavla, also the importance of opening a two-day English-German bacheloric study cycle. This, with the aim of offering students who want to study and recognize foreign languages and cultures, alternatives and broader study opportunities.