
University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty History, Uniel

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University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Faculty of Humanities, Announcements, Uniel


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International VII Conference Department of English and German

Place of organism: University A. Xhuvani, Elbasan

Department of English and German Languages

Conference Opening Hours: & NPSB; & NPSB; 09 May 2014. 10.00 am

Dear colleagues,

The Department of English and German Languages ​​of the University of Elbasan, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of English, organizes the International Scientific Conference on:

Plurilingualism in higher education

Representatives from Western and Albanian -speaking universities are invited to this conference.

You are invited to participate in a paper (30 min) or workshop (60 min) from disciplines: linguistics, literature, education sciences, language history, etc.

The language of the conference is English, German and Albanian.

Please send us the title of your paper as well as a summary (max. 2200 characters) by 25.04.2014 at these addresses:

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Thank you for your participation!