The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics takes place
At the Faculty of Economics of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" was held the 8th International Conference entitled "Regional Economic Cooperation and Harmonization of Legislation as a promise for European internationalization of the Western Balkan countries".
At this conference were present representatives from different universities from the country and the world as well as prominent scientific research figures in this field.
The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, prof. neither. dr. Imelda Sejdini, who in her speech emphasized the importance of scientific research in the current stage, announced that this year's innovation is to organize this conference in cooperation with the Commissioner Institution against Discrimination.
The conference was welcomed by the Rector of the University of Elbasan prof. dr. Skender Topi, who in his speech stated that "Organizing international conferences are important academic events to bring together researchers together".
He further underlined that “The Albanian state, in the framework of European Union integration, has undertaken and implementing a series of important reforms such as education reform, administrative reform and justice reform. In addition to the legislative aspect, the reforms undertaken also have a direct economic impact. The economic effect of any reform is inevitable, but their preliminary study is indispensable. That is why in any case the presence of academics should be sought in the capacity of experts. "
The conference was also welcomed by the Anti -Discrimination Commissioner, Mr. Robert Gajda, Mayor Mr. Gledian Latja, Chairman of the District Council Mr. Beautiful Stafa, prof. dr. Evis Kushi in the capacity of the academic staff of this faculty, who emphasized the importance of holding this conference, returning scientific research in a valuable way and to serve not only students but also cooperation with institutions.
Then the scientific works from the country and the world were presented at the conference.
![The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Uniel is held](/images/aktivitete-ne-ue/Zhvillohet_Konferenca_e_8-t_Ndrkombtare_n_Fakultetin_Ekonomik-1.jpeg)
![The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Uniel is held](/images/aktivitete-ne-ue/Zhvillohet_Konferenca_e_8-t_Ndrkombtare_n_Fakultetin_Ekonomik-2.jpg)
![The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Uniel is held](/images/aktivitete-ne-ue/Zhvillohet_Konferenca_e_8-t_Ndrkombtare_n_Fakultetin_Ekonomik-3.jpg)
![The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Uniel is held](/images/aktivitete-ne-ue/Zhvillohet_Konferenca_e_8-t_Ndrkombtare_n_Fakultetin_Ekonomik-4.jpg)
![The 8th International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Uniel is held](/images/aktivitete-ne-ue/Zhvillohet_Konferenca_e_8-t_Ndrkombtare_n_Fakultetin_Ekonomik-5.jpg)