Suny Fredonia's lecturer, USA, comes to EU after signing cooperation agreement
Ted Schwalbe, professor of communication at New York State University, Fredonia in the US, has started teaching for a 3-week period at the University of Elbasan. Its presence at this university has been made possible thanks to the cooperation agreement that the University of Elbasan signed only a short time ago with the University of Fredonia, Fulbright Scholarships and the support of the US Embassy in Tirana. Rector of the University of Elbasan Dr. Skender Topi, welcoming the American guest lecturer, has guaranteed his full personal support and all the staff of the University of Elbasan to such collaborations. During the meeting, the Rector has also thanked the US Embassy in Tirana for the continued support and close relationship it has established with the University of Elbasan, in the framework of mutual exchanges of experience in the academic field.
According to the agreement signed between the University of Elbasan and Suny Fredonia, the exchange of academic staff will be mutual, which means that Albanian lecturers will also have opportunities for US teaching experiences.