Activities in the UE

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Activities at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, EU activities, UnielActivities in the UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Library, Uniel Library

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Announcements, UnielNotifications

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, Uniel

University of Elbasan Alexander Xhuvani, Employment at EU, UnielEmployment at UE

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, Uniel

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Contacts, UnielContacts


The activity and activity of Dr. Çabiri

Doctor of Science Ylli Çabiri has a very rich scientific and professional activity, a part of which is summarized as follows:

Over 12 works in the field of study of steels, chromium, and generally their production conditions in the Albanian industry and beyond, over 34 works, in -depth and analytical studies in the field of public administration, governance policies and energy discipline Social, with direct commitments as an international expert in over 21 international organizations and institutions with interests in Albania in the region and beyond, with in -depth recognition of public administration problems and governance policies in over 8 Balkan countries, with Publication of studies in over 6 European countries and across the Atlantic) - Here are some of the most significant key figures that represent the scientific, theoretical and applied contributions of Ylli Çabiri, currently an international expert in Albania and the region, at prestigious institutions in Europe and USA.

With the beginnings of the research activity in the field of mining industry, a doctorate in the field of structural steel transformations with less nickel and chromium, at Paris XI University, PhD, 1981, Y. Çabiri is lined up among the specialists who took up modernization of the Albanian mining processing industry system. Experience in this area research and application enabled in -depth recognition of problems even wider than the narrow facility of the study, which was devoted to the new conditions of the 1990s onwards.

Research and scientific application in the 1990s onwards acquires a new dimension and nature. Intellectualism could now serve the great issues raised by the era. Y. Çabiri moves into these new spaces, targeting other horizons and leaving traces in those spaces. “The intellectual, point out Pascal Ory and Jean-François Sirinelli, defends values, uses a prestige, that of its formation, to authorize the right to consider on issues of general nature related to society, seeking moral authority and political. " These dimensions become characterized by a new and fruitful activity over twenty years, which continues with the same intensity currently.

International expert, mainly focused on:

  • Public policies
  • Social services
  • Labor market
  • Professional training
  • Drafting, monitoring and implementing public policy
  • Strategic governance and planning
  • Governance and economic and social development
  • Social inclusion of groups in need
  • Fundamental human rights
  • European integration
  • Education reform
  • Evaluation reports
  • Social dialogue
  • Public administration reforms
  • Strategic monitoring and evaluation
  • Public expenditure policies
  • Decentralization reform
  • Marginalized groups
  • Private sector development and governing policies
  • Poverty -alleviation policies
  • Economic cooperation with outside
  • Cooperation with international institutions in Albania, region, Europe and beyond:
  • ILO (World Labor Organization)
  • ILO - IPA
  • ETF (European Training Foundation)
  • RAA (Roma Active Albania)
  • UNDP (Albania, Kosovo)
  • OSFA
  • Swisscontact
  • Save the Children
  • Euclid network
  • Press Noah, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Btd
  • ICCD - Netherlands
  • Useful to Albanian Women
  • EU Delegation, Tirana
  • Gopa Consultants
  • World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department
  • BFC
  • Chm
  • Fias
  • Montgomery Watson Ltd, Belgium

A period over twenty years, committed to studying, analyzing, interpreting, publishing and implementing data, states, situations, reports, projects, policies related to public administration and discipline of social energy, in such directions:

  • The development of human resources.
  • Public employment and professional training policies.
  • Implementing a new employment service system.
  • Promoting education, employment, health care and professional training of ethnic minorities in need (Roma); Improving inter-ethnic relations in SEE countries.
  • Youth employment policies, participation in the mobility in the labor market, in the view of the United Nations Initiative "The Future We Want".
  • Assistance to the preparation of the Vocational Education and Training Strategy and the 2013-2020 Action Plan.
  • Integration of marginalized groups into the labor market, and interpreting experiences in Albania and the Balkans.
  • Processing training modules and outlines policies to modernize the structures of central and local government institutions, and civil society organizations to increase their access to European Union funding.
  • Preparation of the legal and regulatory framework for decentralization of vocational education and training; of post -sector education, etc.
  • Improving the legal framework, policies and state strategies, as well as the role of civil society organizations that focus on the situation of children.
  • Evaluation and interpretation of projects from projects funded by the European Integration Fund (European Reconstruction Agency).
  • Optimizing the functions and organizational structure of local government institutions (municipalities, etc.).
  • Application procedures in EU Innovative Fund, EU Grande Application, Application Model, etc.
  • Elaboration of development strategies in the region, evaluation of the level of economic and social development, in Kosovo and beyond.
  • Enabling the recognition of EU better models and measuring public administration performance.
  • Enabling the recognition of the European Copenhagen process for the study of administrative barriers and costs for businesses in Albania.
  • Studying and interpreting administrative division and calculating the human development index.
  • Promoting government policies for 1. Developing governing policies and strategic planning functions in the Council of Ministers; 2. Determining the main actions for accelerating Albania's EU integration process; 3. The development of standard procedures and rules for managing and coordinating international donor funds and especially EU funds.
  • Evaluation of the EU's PHARE program in the Balkan region, including Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia.
  • Research-scientific activity in the field of industry and mining
  • Preparation and monitoring of the priorities of the development of the industry and mining sector in Albania (1987-1991).
  • Study and project leaders; Main Leader of the Capacity Enlargement Project of the Ferrochrome Plant in Burrel (1982-1987).
  • Old scientific associate, in the field of research "Metal Structure" (1985).
  • PhD Degree, Paris XI University, France, in the field of research "Structural Transfer of steels with less nickel and chrome" (1978-1981).
  • Master Degree, National Institute of Nuclear Studies and Techniques (INSTN), Saclay, France, in the field of research “Structural Transformations of Materials” (1977-1978).

University teacher

At the University of Tirana, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and its subsidiary at the University of Elbasan (ILP «A. Xhuvani»), Lecturer in the subjects:

  • Thermal processing of metals (1981-1982)
  • Metal Structure (1981-1983)
  • Material Resistance (1981-1984)

In the postgraduate courses of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Branch Technologists of the University of Tirana:

Phase transformations (1984-1990)

Geographical space of publications

  • England (London)
  • Belgium (Brussels)
  • Italy (Turino)
  • Kosovo (Pristina)
  • USA (New York, Washington)
  • Uruguay (Montevideo)


  • Bulgaria
  • Chuang
  • Mountain
  • Macedonia
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovenia
  • Albania

Geographical space of studies and contributions in Albania

(Maps and graphical work)

In the 12 districts of Albania; with more in -depth recognition:

  • Berat
  • Elbasan
  • fern
  • Lezha
  • Shkodra
  • Tirana
  • Vlora
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Albanian American Development Foundation (2010 - Continue)
  • Human Development Center, President (1999-2009).
  • South Eastern Europe Working Group, New York USA, Board member (2006-2008)
  • Albanian Economic Development Agency, Chairman of the Supervisory Board (1998-2001)
  • Deputy Director of the Institute of Metallurgical Studies and Design (1982-1987)
  • Director of the Council of Ministers (1987-1991), (1992-1993)
  • Minister of Economic Cooperation and Trade: Government of Stability; Technical Government (1991-1992)
  • International expert at international institutions in Albania, Balkans, Europe and beyond: ILO, ETF, UNDP, HDPC, Eisscontact, Save the Children, Press Noë Beodrad, Serbia
  • EU Delegation in Tirana, GOPA Consultant, OSFA, KBF, CHM, Montgomery Watson LTD, Belgium, Oma Consortium, etc.
  • Member of the Senate of "Alexander Xhuvani" University Elbasan (2009 - continued)
  • Honorary Citizen of Berat - (October 2013)
  • Class III Work Order (No. 7146, dated 17.8.1987)
  • Medal for prominent services (No. 7117, dated 6.4.1987)
  • Work medals (No. 4446, dated 10.10.1968)