Decisions Academic Senate 2024 Decision No. 1 dated 11.01.2024 “On the approval of the content and form of the Certificate of Continuous Training Program in“ Psychopedagogic Formation ”to be issued by the University of Elbasan“ Alexander Xhuvani ” Decision No. 2 dated 31.01.2024 “On the approval of the number of employees, organizational structure and salary level for each position at the University of Elbasan“ Alexander Xhuvani ” More
Decisions Academic Senate 2021 Decision No.01 dated 14.01.2021 "On a change in the curriculum of the Bachelor Study Program in Physical Education and Sports" Decision No.02 dated 04.02.2021 "On the Criteria of Admission to the Study Programs of the First Cycle of Studies, Professional Programs and the Second Cycle Integrated Program at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "for the academic year 2022- 2023 ” More
Decisions Academic Senate 2023 Decision No. 1 dated 31.01.2023 "On admission criteria in the study programs of the first cycle of studies, professional programs and in the integrated second cycle program at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "for the academic year 2024 -2025 ” Decision No. 2 dated 31.01.2023 "On the Admission Criteria in the Second Cycle Study Programs at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "for the academic year 2024-2025" More
DECISIONS 2. For the 2018 budget approval 3. For the creation and composition of the University of Elbasan Editorial Board Aleksander Xhuvani 4. “On the approval of admission quotas in the Professional Studies Programs of the first and second cycle expected to be opened in the 2018-2019 academic year” More
Decisions Academic Senate 2022 Decision No. 1 dated 14.01.2022 "On the Approval of the Annual Report on Activity at the University of Elbasan 'Alexander Xhuvani' for the Academic Year 2020-2021" Decision No.03 dated 07.02.2022 "On admission criteria in the study programs of the first cycle of studies, professional programs and the integrated second cycle program at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "for the academic year 2023- 2024 ” Decision No. 4 dated 07.02.2022 "On the Criteria of Admission to the Second Cycle Programs of Studies at the University of Elbasan 'Alexander Xhuvani' for the academic year 2023-2024" More