Euro-Balkan Law and Economics Review Journal
The name of this semiannual review is indicative of that as it is it perspective the opensing new horizons of KnowLEDGE, Both in the Legal and Economic Fields. The Study of Relations Between States, and Between and the European Union, Constites the Privileged Terrain of the Scientific Approach That New Cultural Experience Aims at Pursuing.
The Euro-Balkan Law and Economics Review is not just a title. It wants to be, ambitiously, something more: a bridge between institutional and political cultures that cooperate with Each Other and Integrate, Certainly by Gradual Steps, but with interdependencies not only functions to the new Courses of Global Law but Above All Fom an intercultural and multicultural viewpoint.
Moreover, The Different Countries of the Balkan Area Area Placed in an Increasingly Integrated Senario. MANY COUNTRIES ARE ALREADY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND OTHERS STILL GRAVITATE AROUND IT, WAITING FOR REPOSITIONING IN THE SCENARIO OF THE OLD CONNENT. The Choice made to Create a multi-disciplinary online revix, mainly but not exclusively addresses to the Balkan area, is dictated by a profession of consisency with the founding of princesses of the contemporary states of a historical and political discourse at building social and civil project.
ISSN: 2612-6583