
Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Lll Center, About us, Uniel

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Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, LLL Center, Training Modules, Uniel

Training modules

Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, LLL Center, Announcements, Uniel



The call for training for teachers under the Teavet project opens.

As part of the Teavet project, the University of Elbasan “Aleksandar Xhuvani” announces that on Wednesday 13.11.2019 at 13.00 will organize 3 -day training on “Basic Skills for Active Citizen”.

Training creates teachers' competences to educate and develop active citizens for society.

The training will take place in the premises of the "Lifelong Learning" Center, the University Library, the III floor.

The training is open to 9-year and middle cycle teachers.

Interested persons enroll on the ASCAP site,