Rebus - the new project in which the UE is partner
The University of Elbasan is one of the two Albanian partners in the newest project announced by Brussels "Rebus-Ready for Business-Integrating and Validating Practical Entrepreneurship Skills in Engineering and ICT Studies (573664-EPP-1-2016-1-BA -Eppka2-cbhe-jp). This project has been applied in the framework of the project "KA2-Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices-Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education and has been announced one of the 147 winning projects of 653 projects Total projects accepted.
Also the other project "Higher Education-Enterprise Platform for Fostering, Modernisation and Sustainable Growth in Natural Stone Industry in Western Balkans-Balkanstone" with reference number 574200-EPP-2016-1-appka2-cbhe-jp is one of one The 18 projects that have been selected to be in the reserve list and by the end of the year we will be notified whether it will be funded by the EU or not. If it is not announced the winner, taking into account the remarks and proposals made by external evaluators, we will apply again when the other call is opened and hopefully with the changes made to win it.