Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, projects where EU is part, Uniel

Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, Erasmus + Mobilites, Uniel

Erasmus + mobility

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, UE Journal, Uniel

Ue Journal


Call for application for student mobilies and lecturers with Spain

We please inform you that the University of Elbasan has won a project for the mobility of 13 lecturers and 20 students with Instituto de Eduacteria Ribeira DO Louro and with the Galicia region in Spain. For lecturers these 3-week mobility will be realized during the month of September 2016 while for students 9-month mobilies will begin around 15 September 2016.

We call for you to apply by submitting to the Outside Relations Office near the Rectorate the following documents:

For lecturers:

  • Certification
  • CV (Europass Format)
  • Motivation paper
  • Photocopy of passport

For students:

  • Certificate you are a student
  • Cv
  • Motivation paper
  • Photocopy of passport

Deadline for submitting documents August 31, 2016!

Success in application!