Call for application for student mobilies and lecturers with Spain
We please inform you that the University of Elbasan has won a project for the mobility of 13 lecturers and 20 students with Instituto de Eduacteria Ribeira DO Louro and with the Galicia region in Spain. For lecturers these 3-week mobility will be realized during the month of September 2016 while for students 9-month mobilies will begin around 15 September 2016.
We call for you to apply by submitting to the Outside Relations Office near the Rectorate the following documents:
For lecturers:
- Certification
- CV (Europass Format)
- Motivation paper
- Photocopy of passport
For students:
- Certificate you are a student
- Cv
- Motivation paper
- Photocopy of passport
Deadline for submitting documents August 31, 2016!
Success in application!