Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, projects where EU is part, Uniel

Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, Erasmus + Mobilites, Uniel

Erasmus + mobility

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, UE Journal, Uniel

Ue Journal


Project Tempus Nr. 544362

Project Title: Sport Professionals - Education, Employment, Development in the Balkan Region.

Vocational education in sports- development in the Balkan region ”. (2013-2016)

The main applicant University is the University of Sport in Rome "Foro Italiaco". This project was implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Education Sciences/ Department of Sports and aims to improve and design curricula on sports as well as the creation of a new gym at the Faculty of Education. Fitness equipment will be funded by the Tempus project.

What is expected of this project:

  • Improvement of university curricula about sports
  • Professionally prepared actors from all partners
  • A strong support for creating conditions for implementing project

The partners in this project are:

  • Sport/ Serbia Association
  • Chamber of Industry and Trade/ Tirana
  • "Luigj Gurakuqi" University, Shkodra
  • "Alexander Xhuvani" University, Elbasan
  • Ministry of Education and Albanian Science
  • Ministry of Youth and Sport/ Serbia
  • National Olympic Committee/ Albania
  • University of Vienna/Austria
  • Etc.

For more in connection with this project Visit the TEMPUS-SEDEED.EU