Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, projects where EU is part, Uniel

Projects where UE is part

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, Erasmus + Mobilites, Uniel

Erasmus + mobility

Elbasan University Aleksander Xhuvani, UE Journal, Uniel

Ue Journal


CEEPUS II project

Project Title: Active Methods in Teaching Mathematics

This project aims to exchange experiences in teaching mathematics, through the exchange of various professors of mathematical analysis who have gone and taught at the auditors of the University of Miscolc, as well as professors of the latter have come and taught in our auditors.

The partners in this cooperation network are: "Alexander Xhuvani" University, Elbasan, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Informatics and University of Miscolc Hungary, Department of Analysis.

What is expected of this project:

  • The exchange of academic staff
  • Exchange of experiences in teaching mathematics

Other partners participating in this project are:

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Albania
  • Bosnia- Herhegovina
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Etc.