
Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Presentation, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Call for Mobility, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Documentation, Uniel



Call for application for student mobility at the University of Cote D'Azur, Nice, France

Call for application for student mobility at Cote D'Azur, Nice, France / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University of Cote d'Azur, Nice, France.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 2 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Cote D'Azur, Nice, France. All interested students of the Faculty of Economics: Study Programs, Master of Science and Law are invited.

We kindly information all the students that the call for the second semester for 2 students, with the international credit mobility erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Cote d'Azur, Nice , France , is pleassed to invite students of Faculty of Economics: Study Programs, Master of Sciences and Law, to Apply.


Call for application for student mobility at the Aquila University, Italy

Call for application for student mobility at the University of Aquila, Italy / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University of L'Aquila, Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 4 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Aquila, Italy. All interested students of study programs are invited to apply: Master of Science in Nursing and Professional Master in Information Technologies.

We kindly informed all the students that the call for the second semester for 4 students, with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani 'in Cooperation with University of L'Aquila, Italy, is pleassed to invite students from study progras: Master of Science in Nursing and Professional in Information Technologies, to Apply.


Call for application for student mobility at the University of Dabrowa Gronicza, Poland

Call for application for student mobility opens at the University of Dabrowa Gronicza, Poland/ Call for Applications for Student Mobility at Dabrowa Gronicza, Poland.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 2 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Dabrowa Gronicza in Poland. All interested students of the Faculty of Economics are invited to apply.

We Kindly Inform All the Students that the Call for the Second Semeter for 2 Students with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is OpenD. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Dabrowa Gronicza , Poland , is pleassed to invite all the interests from Faculty of Economics, to Apply.


Call for application for student mobility at the University of Trento, Italy

Call for application for student mobility opens at the University of Trento, Italy / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University of Trento, Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 2 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Trento, Italy. All interested students of the Faculty of Economics are invited to apply: Department of Law, Integrated Second Cycle Program of Law Studies and Faculty of Natural Sciences: Department of Informatics.

We kindly information all the students that the call for the second semester for 2 students, with the international credit mobility erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Trento , Italy , is pleassed to invite all the interests of Faculty of Economics: Department of Law, Integrated Program of the Law Studies and Faculty of Natural Sciences: Department of Informtics, to Apply.


Call for applying for student mobility at Complutevense University in Madrid, Spain

Call for application for student mobility opens at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University Complete of Madrid, Spain.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 3 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in collaboration with Complutetense Madrid University in Spain. All interested students of the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences are invited to apply: Bachelor of General Nursing and Faculty of Economics: Study Program; Integrated Second Cycle Program of Law Studies.

We Kindly Inform All the Students that the Call for the Second Semeter for 3 Students with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani 'in Cooperation with University Complutetense of Madrid, Spain , Is Pleased to Invite All the Interest Students of Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences: Bachelor in General Nursing and Faculty of Economics: Study Program; Integrated Program of the Second Cycle of Law Studies, to Apply.


Call for application for student mobility at the University of Florence, Italy

Call for application for student mobility opens at the University of Florence, Italy / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University of Florence, Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 4 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Florence, Italy. All interested students of the Faculty of Education Sciences are invited to apply: Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Human Science: Department of Literature and Journalism .

We kindly informed all the students that the call for the second semester for 4 students, with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Florence , Italy , is pleassed to invite students of Faculty of Education Sciences: Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences. Department of Literature and Journalism, to Apply.
