
Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Presentation, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Call for Mobility, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Documentation, Uniel



Call for application for student mobility at Krakovi University, Poland/ Call for Applications for Student Mobility at Cracow University of Economics, Poland.

We inform you that the call for application for study scholarships has been opened for the second semester for 4 students, as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Krakov, Poland. Invited to apply all interested students of the Faculty of Economics,


Call for application for student mobility opens at the University of Mendel in Brno, Czech Republic/ Call for Applications for Student Mobility at Mendel University in Brno, Czech.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 6 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in collaboration with Mendel in Brno, Czech Republic. Invited to apply all interested students of the Faculty of Economics,


Call for application for student mobility opens at the University of PITITES, Romania/ Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University of Pitesti, Romania.

We inform you that the call for application for study scholarships has been opened for the second semester for 2 students, as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Piedsti, Romania. All interested students in foreign language study programs are invited to apply.
