
Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Presentation, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Call for Mobility, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Documentation, Uniel



Call on student application for "BIP Project", Blendhed Intensive Program, Language and Communication Skills for Sport Management Professionals at Rome University "Foro Italy", Italy

Call for student application for " BIP Project", Blended Intensive Program, Language and Communication Skills for Sport Management Professionals at Rome University "Foro Italy", Italy / Call for Applications " BIP Project", Blended Intensive Program , " Language and Communication Skills for Sport Management Professionals " at University of Rome "Foro Italy", Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for 4 students has been opened as part of the BIP project International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) won by our University in cooperation with the University of Rome "Foro Italy", Italy. All interested students of the Faculty of Education Sciences are invited to apply: Department of Physical Education and Sports.


The Aim of this Course is to provide students with essential communication skills for effecative sports management in English. The Course Includes a Hands-On Project and Role Playing to Practice English in Real Professional Situations. Participants Will Need to SuccessFully Finish the Assigned Project for Their Final Assessment.

Details program

File: /// c: /users/user/downloads/bip%20K131%20English%20Forogs%20foro%20Iliko%202024.pdf

"BIP Project", Blended Intensive Program,

English for Sport 2: Language and Communication Skills for Sport Management Professionals.

Classes: 6-Week Online Course (12-Hour Online Webinar + Online Self-Access Activities and Resources on MS Teams).

Week in Person Course (18-Hour Cours on Campus) Venting

Online Classes (MS Teams and useful Apps: Flipgrid, Padlet, Canva, Etc.) Campus: SIX Weeks Online: March 18th to April, 29th, 2024
One Week on Campus: 13th-17th May, 2024 or 10th-14th June (to be decided)

Certificate with 3 ECTS Credits.

Documents required for application:/
Documents Required for Application: 1. Passport photocopy; /
Photocopy of Passport; 2. Certificate that you are a student of the EU;/
confirmation certificate that you are an eu student; 3. English Language Certificate (Level B1);/
English Language Certificate (Level B1); 4. CV in English;/
cv in English; 5. Letter letter / motivation Letter .

The above documentation required, must be submitted in person, to the Directorate of Coordination and Foreign Relations, at the Rectorate of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" or can be sent to the address of E_mail: Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.

The Above Required Documentation Should Be Submitted Personally to the Directorate of Coordination and International Relations at the rectoral of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" or can be sent to the e-mail address: Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.

The deadline for application is February 16, 2024! / The Deadline for Application is February 16 TH , 2024!

We wish you success!/ Best of Luck!