Call for application for student mobility at Complutevense University in Madrid, Spain
Call for application for student mobility opens at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at University Complete of Madrid, Spain
We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 3 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in collaboration with Computetense University in Madrid, Spain. All interested students of the Faculty of Education Sciences are invited to apply: Department of Social Sciences.
The mobility period will take place during the second semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022 with a duration of 5 months. The winning students will receive a monthly scholarship as well as reimbursement of travel expenses, as defined in the mobility agreement.
Mobility details: / Mobility Details:
The mobility period will take place during the second semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022 with a duration of 5 months. The winning students will receive a monthly scholarship as well as reimbursement of travel expenses, as defined in the mobility agreement.
The Mobility Period Will Take Place During the Secondary Semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022, with A Duration of 5 Months. The nominated students scarves a monthly grant, as well as reimbursent of travel expenses, nor specific in the mobility aggrement.
Documents required for application:/ Documents Required for Application:
1. Passport photocopy; / Photocopy of Passport;
2. Certificate that you are a student of the EU;/ confirmation certificate that you are an eu student;
3. English Language Certificate (Level B1);/ English Language Certificate (Level B1);
4. CV in English;/ cv in English;
5. Application Form: Erasmus + Students_Application_form.pdf .
The above documentation required, must be submitted in person, to the Directorate of Coordination and Foreign Relations, at the Rectorate of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" or can be sent to the address of E_mail: Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.
The Above Required Documentation Should Be Submitted Personally to the Directorate of Coordination and International Relations at the rectoral of the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" or can be sent to the e-mail address: Questo indirizzo emails è protestto dagli spambots. Of 'Nesssario Abilitare Javascript for Verlo.
The deadline for application is September 10, 2021
! / The Deadline for Application is September 10 TH 2021! We wish you success!/ Best of Luck!