
Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Presentation, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Call for Mobility, Uniel


Elbasan University Alexander Xhuvani, Erasmus+Mobilites, Documentation, Uniel



Call for Application for Staff Mobility (Training), University of Foggia, Italy

Call for application for staff mobility opens at Foggia University, Italy / Staff Mobility Call for Training at Foggia, Italy

The University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”, within International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Foggia, Italy, is pleased to invite 1 staff for (training) from the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, apply.

University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani ', in Cooperation with University of Foggia, Italy, the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+), is pleassed to (training) from technical medical science,


Call for Application for Mobility of Academic / Administrative Staff (Teaching / Training), University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

The call for application for the mobility of the Academic / Training / Training staff, at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, opens. / Staff Mobility Call for (Teaching / Training) at University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

The University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani" is satisfied that within the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria invites 3 academic / administrative staff (Teaching / Training) from Rectorate and Faculty of education sciences: Department of Physical Education and Sports, apply.

University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", in Cooperation with University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria , Within the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus +), is pleassed to invite 3 academic / administrative staff for (teaching / training) from rectorate and faculty of Education : Department of Physical Education and Sports to Apply.


Call for application for student mobility (PhD) at the University of Foggias, Italy

Call for application for student mobility (PhD) opens at the University of Foggias, Italy / Call for Applications for (PhD) Student Mobility at Foggia, Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 5 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in cooperation with the University of Foggia, Italy. All interested students of the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences of PhD Studies (PhD) are invited.

We Kindly Inform All the Students that the Call for 5 Students with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is Opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Foggia , Italy , is pleassed to invite all the students of Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences from Doctoral Studies (PhD), to apply.


Call for application for student mobility at Rome University "Foro Italy", Italy

Call for applying for student mobility at the University of Rome "Foro Italy", Italy / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at the University of Rome "Foro Italy", Italy.

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for the second semester for 3 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our University in collaboration with the University of Rome "Foro Italy". All interested students of the Faculty of Education Sciences are invited to apply: Professional Master Study Program in Physical Education and Sports.

We kindly informed all the students that the call for the second semester for 3 students, with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is opened. University of Elbasan '' Alexander Xhuvani '' in Cooperation with University of Rome "Foro Italy" , Italy , is pleassed to invite all the interests of Faculty of Education Sciences: Study Program, Professional Master in Physical Education and Sports, to APPLY.


Call for application for student mobility at IES Abasto, Spain

Call for application for student mobility in IES Abasto, Spain / Call for Applications for Student Mobility at Ies Abasto, Spain .

We inform you that the call for application for scholarships for 3 students has been opened as part of the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) project acquired by our university in collaboration with Ies Abasto, Spain. All interested students at the Faculty of Business and Law are invited to apply: Department of Economics.

We Kindly Inform All the Students that the Call For 3 Students with the International Credit Mobility Erasmus +, is OpenD. University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani” in Cooperation with Ies Abastos, Spain, is pleated to invite all the students from Faculty of Business and Law: Department of Economics to APPLY.


Call for Application for Mobility of Academic Staff, at South East European University, Republic of North Macedonia

The call for application for the Mobility of Academic Staff, at South East European University, the Republic of North Macedonia is opened. / Staff Mobility Call for (Training), at South East European University, Republic of North Macedonia.

The University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", within the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+) acquired by our University in cooperation with the South European University in the Republic of North Macedonia, has the pleasure of inviting 1 academic staff from the Rectorate, apply.

University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", in Cooperation with South European University, Republic of North Macedonia , With the International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+), is pleased to invite 1 academic staff for (training) from rectoralate, to apply.
