♦ Organizational Structure/Organigram
♦ Wage structure
♦ functions and tasks of EU
♦ Authority and governing bodies UE
♦ Academic Senate
♦ Rector
♦ Rectorate
♦ Board of Administration
♦ Administrator
♦ Academic staff assembly
♦ Permanent Committees on EU
♦ Decision no. 13, dated 05.07.2019, “On the approval of the composition of the Permanent Commission at the Institutional Level for Relations with Students and Career Counseling”
♦ Decision no. 26, dated 27.01.2021, “On the approval of the composition of the Permanent Commission at the institutional level for guaranteeing the quality standards of the institution and study programs”
♦ Decision no. 16, dated 22.07.2021, “On the announcement of the process of registration of candidates for a member of permanent commissions at the EU institutional level”
♦ Ethics Council on EU
♦ Scientific research centers on EU
♦ Erasmus+
♦ Scientific Bulletin
♦ Monthly Information Bulletin
♦ University health structures
♦ CVs and salaries of employees who are subject to declaration by law ( https://www.ildkpki.al/Legislation/ ), including members of the EU Cabinet, description of the selection procedure, their competencies and duties
♦ Outcomes of checking scientific titles verification
( Law No. 9049, dated 10.4.2003 " On the declaration and control of assets, of the financial obligations of the elected and some public servants")
For the Faculty of Humanities
For the Faculty of Natural Sciences
For the Faculty of Education Sciences
For the Faculty of Economics
For the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences
♦ Procedures following senior EU officials to make decisions
The procedure for making decisions by the authorities and governing bodies of the University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”, depending on their kind and nature, is based on “Law no. 80/2015 on Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania ”, Statute, Regulation and other internal acts of the University of Elbasan“ Alexander Xhuvani ”.
♦ Procedures and mechanisms to make requests and complaints related to EU actions or omissions (including postal/electronic address for filing claims and complaints - deadlines and answers)
Every person has the right to make a complaint or request to the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani". Any request or complaint with which a person addresses the University of Elbasan "Alexander Xhuvani", can be done in writing; to be verbally declared before the public body and register by the latter; or in written form. The request/complaint is considered in written form even when it is sent electronically, provided it clearly indicates its author. The request/complaint must clearly submit the applicant/complainant as well as his/her purpose.