Plagiarism Policy
The magazine is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism of any kind. Plagiarism itself occurs when an author uses a large part of his or her previously published work without using proper references. This can range from publishing the same manuscript in multiple journals to modifying a previously published manuscript with new data. The plagiarism check will be done three times for each article. First, before the review (before entering the article in the relevant editorial office), second, by the reviewers set by the editorial office, and third, after the review by the authors, before publication using TURNITIN Similarity Check. Items must have a similarity index of less than 20%. Articles will be returned to the authors if the similarity index is greater than 20%. Authors may revise articles to meet the requirements of the UNIEL Scientific Bulletin regarding similarity. Resubmitted articles will go through the new review process again, and if the similarity index is again above 20%, the respective editorial office will reject the articles.