Peer Review Process

Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksandër Xhuvani,Buletini shkencor,Historiku,Uniel


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Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksandër Xhuvani,Buletini shkencor,Bordi editorial,Uniel

Open Access Journal

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Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksandër Xhuvani,Buletini shkencor,Publikime ne vite,Uniel

Publikime në vite

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Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksandër Xhuvani,Buletini shkencor,Standarde, Uniel


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Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksandër Xhuvani,Buletini shkencor,Njoftime, Uniel


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Peer Review Process

The article that comes to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. first is reviewed by an editor. The research paper will be evaluated to see if it is suitable for the UNIEL Scientific Bulletin series and if it fits the focus and purpose of the journal.

Each article will be evaluated independently by two reviewers, who may be the editors of the Scientific Bulletin as well as other experts in the relevant academic field or external domestic or foreign experts in the relevant field.

  • The reviewers for the scientific evaluation of the article are set by the respective editors. A review form is made available to them, which will be filled out by reviewers with the corresponding evaluations for the article.
  • The recession process applies the double-blind method.
  • In the meeting of the Editorial Board, the reviews of the works are presented, and decisions are made for publication, revision, completion, and return based on their reviews and recommendations.
  • The reviewers' ratings are then sent to the corresponding author for rating notice and, where applicable, revisions.

After the peer review process, there will be four types of editorial decisions based on the reviewers' recommendations:

  • Article accepted: The article will be accepted without revisions.
  • Revisions required: The article will be accepted after minor changes have been made.
  • Resubmission for Review: The article needs to be reworked, but with significant changes, it can be accepted. However, it will require a second round of review.
  • Reject submission: The article will not be published in the UNIEL Scientific Bulletin.

The Bulletin Editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.