Decision No. 2, dated 18.05.2024 on the approval of the number of members of the election commission in the main units of the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani" Decision No. 2, dated 18.05.2024 on the approval of the number of members of the election commission in the main units of the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani"
Order No. 44, dated 13.05.2024 "On the announcement of the start of the electoral process and the date of the elections for the governing authorities and the Academic Senate at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "" Order No. 44, dated 13.05.2024 "On the announcement of the start of the electoral process and the date of the elections for the governing authorities and the Academic Senate at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani ""
Decision No.1, dated 18.05.2024 on the constitution of the institutional commission of elections at the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani" and the election of its chairman Decision No.1, dated 18.05.2024 on the constitution of the institutional commission of elections at the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani" and the election of its chairman
Decision No. 30, dated 14.05.2024 "On the announcement of applications for membership at the Commission for the Institution0Nal Elections and at the Commission of Appeal at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani " Decision No. 30, dated 14.05.2024 "On the announcement of applications for membership at the Commission for the Institution0Nal Elections and at the Commission of Appeal at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "