Decision No. 7 dated 21.05.2024 "On the establishment of the Election Commission and the appointment of the Secretary of the Election Commission at the Faculty of Humanities" Decision No. 7 dated 21.05.2024 "On the establishment of the Election Commission and the appointment of the Secretary of the Election Commission at the Faculty of Humanities"
Decision no. 5, dated 18.05.2024 on the announcement of the process of registration of candidates for rector and member of the Academic Senate of the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani" Decision no. 5, dated 18.05.2024 on the announcement of the process of registration of candidates for rector and member of the Academic Senate of the University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani"
Decision No. 6 dated 21.05.2024 "On the establishment of the Election Commission and the appointment of the Secretary of the Election Commission at the Faculty of Natural Sciences" Decision No. 6 dated 21.05.2024 "On the establishment of the Election Commission and the appointment of the Secretary of the Election Commission at the Faculty of Natural Sciences"
Decision No. 4, dated 18.05.2024 on the approval of stamps for commissary election institution and election commissions of the main university university "Aleksander Xhuvani" Decision No. 4, dated 18.05.2024 on the approval of stamps for commissary election institution and election commissions of the main university university "Aleksander Xhuvani"
Documentation for "Elections for Leading Authorities and Academic Senate at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "June 21, 2024" Documentation for "Elections for Leading Authorities and Academic Senate at the University of Elbasan" Alexander Xhuvani "June 21, 2024"
Decision No. 3, dated 18.05.2024 on the announcement of the candidacy process in the Election Commission in the Faculty Decision No. 3, dated 18.05.2024 on the announcement of the candidacy process in the Election Commission in the Faculty