
T@sk Project‘Towards increased Awareness, responsibility and shared quality in Social Work’

The aims of T@sk projects are essential for the development of the Albanian Social Work system, for its modernizationand its alignment to the European standards of the Social Services delivery.

T@SK Project

T@sk project can count on the long lasting expertise of the University of Florence, the Complutense University of Madrid, the InstitutoUniversitário of Lisbon and the OrdinedegliAssistentiSociali of the Tuscany Region in the field of Social Work organization and evaluation.

The cooperation among the European Union partners and the Albanian Universities will create the ideal ground to reach increased competences of Albanian Higher Education staff, a growing self-empowerment of Albanian social workers and therefore the improvement of the Social Services.

Members of T@sk project agree in a subsidiary and multilevel approach based on:

In depth theoretical and methodological updating of the University staff of all the Albanian public Universities offering Bachelor Master Degrees in Social Work: University of Tiran, University of Elbasan, University of Shkodër.

Wide inclusion of the Albanian Social Workers and Albanian local institutions in the identification of the needs of the Albanian Social Services.

Theoretical and empirical focus on the specific areas of deprived children and disadvantaged women within the general framework of deviance prevention and mitigation of detention conditions.

Coordinator of the Project:

UniversitàdegliStudi di Firenze

Project partners:

T@sk is a project funded by ERASMUS+ Capacity Building program of the European Union.

For further information regarding the project and activities, please click on the link : https://www.taskproject.eu/